Why to use coconut during the hot summer months?

I absolutely love coconuts and summer is the time when I can feel best the many benefits when consuming this tropical wonder fruit. Actually coconuts are one of the most nutritious of all fruits there is and there are also many ways you can  consume this precious tropical fruit in order to reap most of its benefits.

One of my favorite drinks when practicing yoga during the hot summer months is coconut water. It just cools down the body from inside so well and it really quenches my thirst. Indeed coconut water is a great hydration drink as it contains about 95% water.

Actually, fresh coconut water is one of the highest sources of electrolytes, and it can be used instead of a sports drink to prevent dehydration during rigorous exercise or extended periods of physical activity.

Me doing a Pincha Mayurasana in a garden during holidays in Pärnu in Estonia last summer. I love practicing yoga outdoors during the summertime and when fresh coconuts aren't available I often buy a can of coconut water from the supermarket. 

During hard exercise the human body loses mineral-rich fluids. However, coconut water serves as an excellent replacement medium with 294 mg of potassium and 5 mg of natural sugar per glass. Sports drinks contains only half of the potassium content and five times the amount of processed sugar. 

Potassium is a vital mineral in our body and we need enough of it in order to have our brain and nervous system functioning properly. In addition coconut water contains magnesium, copper, cytokinins (slow down the development of cancerous cells and the aging process) and antioxidants.              

Before heading to the beach or to the pool I usually apply organic virgin coconut oil to my skin and by now  I have never burned my skin when I have used coconut oil as a suntan lotion. Coconut oil is especially beneficial for a person with predominantly Pitta constitution (Ayurveda body type) as it has cooling effect for the body. I myself am a Pitta type, and thus I can use coconut oil as a body oil during the summertime or when in a hot climate.

This picture is from a coconut grove in India, Goa where I was organizing a yoga retreat few years ago. It was lovely to drink fresh coconut water every day after the yoga practice. 

Coconut oil is also great for the hair, especially if you have dry hair or if you want your hair to grow faster and give it some extra shine. You can give yourself a scalp massage using the organic coconut oil and then leave the oil overnight and wash your hair next morning.


There is so many other ways to use this awesome fruit (cooking oil,in your coffee or smoothies...) but this are the ones I wanted to share this time. Below is a list of high-quality coconut oil characteristics:
- Cold-pressed
- Extra-virgin
- Organic
- No added ingredients
- Coconuts not picked from genetically manipulated palm trees
- Not purified 
- Best coconut oil is made of fresh coconuts, not of dried coconuts

Hope you are having some "nutty" summer days - enjoy! : ) 


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